Sunday, June 8, 2014

Weekly Workouts

This week was very hectic, so I didn't do so well with my workouts. I fell behind in my challenges, so I had to do a couple days challenges in a day, so that was overwhelming. My brother also graduated high school this past Thursday and his graduation party was Saturday, so I was extremely busy helping my parents get ready for that. Also my knees are extremely sore from running, so with all those things put together, my workouts this week aren't what they should have been.

My first Weekly Workout post has youtube clips of each exercise. Click here to see that post.

Sunday June 1st: Ran/walked 4 miles
Monday June 2nd: Ran 1.5 miles
Tuesday June 3rd. Ran/walked 2 miles, 1 mile of which was uphill.
Strength Training: Day 4,5,6 of challenges.

  • Abs
    • 80 sit ups
    • 32 crunches
    • 15, 20, 25 second planks
    • 22 woodchoppers
    • 10, 15 second side planks
    • 50 ankle touches
    • 44 russian twists
  • Arms
    • 69 push ups
    • 35 dips
    • 70 bicep curls
    • 55 seconds of punching
  • Legs
    • 85 squats
    • 35 bridges
    • 55 lunges
    • 40, 50, 60 second wall sits
    • 35 lateral lunges (each side
    • 70 scissors
    • 27 fire hydrants (each side)
    • 27 plie squat pulses
Wednesday June 4th: Rest on Running because of sore knees
Strength Training: Day 7 of challenges
  • Abs
    • 34 sit ups
    • 20 crunches
    • 28 second plank
    • 50 ankle touches
  • Arms
    • 35 push ups
    • 50 bicep curls with 3 lbs
    • 35 seconds of punches
  • Legs
    • 35 squats
    • 15 bridges
    • 25 lateral lunges (each side)
    • 50 scissors
    • 18 fire hydrants (each side)
    • 20 plie squat pulses
Thursday June 5th: 40 minute walk almost all uphill. Still resting sore knees
Friday June 6th: 30 minute walk, 15 minute run.
Saturday June 7th: No Workout.

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